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To make VB6 applications, we need an ocx or more to help us create beautifull and powerfull form.
In this blog, I want to share that ocx for u guys. Not all ocx are freeware, there are shareware n demos too. But, I hope, this blog can give you a new idea for your application.
I need your feedback guys. Thanks a lot..

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Sheridan ActiveToolBars

A ToolBar is composed of Tools, and can be made to either independently float in a location of the screen or dock, which means it attaches itself to a side of an application window. ToolBars provide a means of organizing Tools by their particular purpose or function. For example, related drawing Tools may be grouped together within one ToolBar named "Drawing."
Tools and ToolBars can be created at design time, using the Configuration Utility, or at run time, programmatically. The Configuration Utility provides a WYSIWYG environment in which you can create Tools and ToolBars, as well as allocate Tools on ToolBars.


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